16 September, 2005

Mitsubishi must hate people

Mitsubishi's new tv ad: People are sitting on a bus and start screaming at the Mitsubishi print ad in a newspaper.
  1. Mistubishi assumes that the people interested in their cars have absolutely no capacity tounderstand social norms. After all, people screaming in public is outright rude.
  2. The people portrayed apparently have no capacity to form a rational response to something that excites them. Therefore, Mistubishi's target audience must be idiots.
  3. The screaming is so outright loud and abrasive that it is impossible to simply ignore this commercial. It's an extremely annoying noise. Whenever this ad comes on, there's a race between me grabbing the remote and the start of the screaming.
Since this ad comes on frequently during the shows that I watch, I can only assume that Mistubishi thinks that I'm part of their target audience. Thus, Mitsubishi thinks that (1) I'm incapable of behaving in a socially acceptable manner, (2) I am too stupid to respond rationally and (3) they hate me so much that I desereved to be screamed at.

This ad is so offensive that Mitsubishi cars are now on the list of products I will never buy simply because I am insulted by their advertising.


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