15 November, 2005

Subway teaches bad morals

Subway's newest ad teaches that it's OK for you, their customer, to behave amorally, provided that you get you Subway sandwich in the end.

Quick ad redux:
  1. Some kid sneaks out at night to get a Subway sandwich.
  2. His parents admonish him for doing so and take his sandwich as punishment.
  3. His parents enjoy eating the sandwich themselves.
Since the parents took the sandwich for their own enjoyment and not for the stated reason, it is a stolen sandwich. It only follows that the people at Subway think either that
  1. it is just fine to steal a Subway sandwich from you own children
  2. or that since their customers are already thieves, they may as well steal Subway sandwiches.
In either case, I'm not particularly impressed by what Subway thinks of their customers morals.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your logic is COMPLETELY idiotic.

It's just a commercial, and no one thinks the way you do.

5/3/08 20:16  

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