24 September, 2005

Surprised by Nintendo

Nintendo ads are usually very good, but somewhat predictable. They're great in that they usually show lots of game play in some sort of frantic montage. They're exciting, they show the product, they're appropriate for all, but they tend to lack a humour.

Then, a few days ago, I caught their new ad. It's about a study of Nintendo addiction with rather raunchy punch line at the end: it's not entirely kid-friendly, but it is hilarious. Nice job Nintendo.

23 September, 2005

Conflicted over Tim's

Ok, I really used to enjoy going to Tim Horton's: good food, good donoughts, good soup and sandwich. But lately, their advertising has left me with a bad taste in my mouth.

It seems that all of there recent ads depict some sort of idiocy surrounding a new product. There was the one with the women and the brownies, and the guy who was late over a danish, but now there is the incessantly played ad witht he woman calling everything "steeped". That woman can only be described as moronic. Again, there's the old problem that this is what the company thinks of their customers: they think we're morons.

OK, so good coffee, but terrible advertising. I still go occasionally, but as the advertising gets worse, those visits are fewer.

And now I hate Misubishi

That Mitsubishi ad that I griped about in my last post has been on far too often. Each time now it's like getting stabbed in the ear when the morons in that ad start screaming. Before I just felt insulted by that ad, but now, I loathe the entire company.

It surprises me that they could ever publish an ad that engenders so much distaste over a product line. Now, every time I see the Mitsubishi logo (especially on the cars), I want to smash it, but that wouldn't be very nice of me.

16 September, 2005

Mitsubishi must hate people

Mitsubishi's new tv ad: People are sitting on a bus and start screaming at the Mitsubishi print ad in a newspaper.
  1. Mistubishi assumes that the people interested in their cars have absolutely no capacity tounderstand social norms. After all, people screaming in public is outright rude.
  2. The people portrayed apparently have no capacity to form a rational response to something that excites them. Therefore, Mistubishi's target audience must be idiots.
  3. The screaming is so outright loud and abrasive that it is impossible to simply ignore this commercial. It's an extremely annoying noise. Whenever this ad comes on, there's a race between me grabbing the remote and the start of the screaming.
Since this ad comes on frequently during the shows that I watch, I can only assume that Mistubishi thinks that I'm part of their target audience. Thus, Mitsubishi thinks that (1) I'm incapable of behaving in a socially acceptable manner, (2) I am too stupid to respond rationally and (3) they hate me so much that I desereved to be screamed at.

This ad is so offensive that Mitsubishi cars are now on the list of products I will never buy simply because I am insulted by their advertising.

15 September, 2005

Febreeze must be dangerously addictive

From the ads for Febreeze, I can only conclude that the substance is extremely addictive. The people in the ads are sniffing it compulsively, as if it were crack-cocaine. From this, I can only conclude that Proctor & Gamble think that their customers have substance abuse problems and that Febreeze is a product to statisfy that addiction.

On the whole, the ads are not annoying, but they are insulting.

Robin Hood Flour ad

When you're old, all you'll have is your memories ... and muffins.
That phrase from the new ad for Robin Hood Flour (ad campaign info) is something I can relate to. Muffins are good and that ad is good.